The mystical holiday of the Wheel of the Year – Imbolc

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  3. The mystical holiday of the Wheel of the Year – Imbolc

The festival of fertility, the festival of women, new life, renewal, the festival of magic and herbs, the festival of Freya and Freire – Imbolc was celebrated on the 1st of February  in Kattegat.

For the guests, we have prepared treats from Freya and Freyr, a mystical potion of Imbolc, a fire purification ritual and a gift for each visitor from the all-knowing druid – a charged bag of herbs!

It has already become a good tradition to celebrate the Wheel of the Year holiday together, so let’s continue it – we are waiting for you in Ostara on 21st of March.

📜 What is Imbolc?
In the Scandinavian language, “The Magic of the Plow” (Imbolc) is a festival of fertility and the emergence of planted grain, which is celebrated on February 1-2. It symbolizes the end of winter and the rebirth of the Sun and reminds us that spring is coming soon.
This is the time of cleaning and general cleaning in anticipation of a new life of the year. Among the Celts, it was associated with the beginning of lactation of sheep before the appearance of spring lambs.

📜 Who is a druid?
This is a priest, the bearer of a certain worldview of the ancient Celts, the keeper of the traditions, customs, and rituals of the ancient Celts. He understands the cult of sacred trees and plants and their healing properties, knows how to predict the future from the bones of animals. He lives in forest thickets, communicates with forest spirits and studies various plants. Legends tell of druids who brought forest trees to life and turned them into warriors who easily destroyed enemy armies.